Ecuador. Narratives of Transformation: Community Strengthening through Economic Empowerment
15-02-2024 | di COOPI

Ecuador. Narratives of Transformation: Community Strengthening through Economic Empowerment

The "Socio-Economic Inclusion Project for women and young people in Human Mobility and Host Community in Lago Agrio and Ibarra, through the generation of sustainable livelihoods" implemented by COOPI in Ecuador and supported by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the UN Women, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the Multi-Partner Trust Fund for Migrations (MPTF), took place from August 2023 to January 2024, leaving a lasting impact on both communities.

The words of Sol Maira Chebique from Lago Agrio resonate with determination and hope: "What led me to undertake? The desire to move forward." Through the training, she found a sense of empowerment and a clear vision for the future of her bakery, where she plans to integrate people from diverse nationalities and share her knowledge. 

Through a series of captivating narratives, we have witnessed the rise of brave individuals who have turned their dreams into business realities. From the world of hairstyling to the production of nutritious foods, these stories narrate the challenges overcome and the successes celebrated on the path to economic empowerment and self-sufficiency.

Darlín Lerma from Ibarra shares her passion for boosting people's self-esteem through her wig business: "It's not just about selling a product that makes you look good, it's about elevating self-esteem." Her participation in the project not only provided her with business knowledge but also a network of support and friendship. 

These are just some of the names that mark the beginning of a new era of opportunities in Ibarra and Lago Agrio. Through their testimonies, we have witnessed the tangible impact of the project in promoting entrepreneurship and creating sustainable livelihoods. Their names are a tribute to perseverance and determination, and their territories, the stages where change has taken root and flourished.

These stories, rooted in reality and effort, are testaments to the power of economic empowerment and entrepreneurship to drive positive change in our communities. These and more life stories are available on COOPI Youtube channel, where the transformative impact of the project on the lives of participants can be seen firsthand.

COOPI has been working in Ecuador since 1967 with projects in development and emergency, housing, protection, water and sanitation, socio-economic inclusion, including the response to the Covid-19 pandemic emergency, but also supporting small artisan businesses.