Milano Teleport and COOPI: a connection for life
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28-06-2016 | di COOPI

Milano Teleport and COOPI: a connection for life

The biggest indipendent Italian Teleport suppports the activities of COOPI in Chad (Western Africa) by providing a service of Internet connectivity. This will allow the organization to benefit from Skype and e-mail, both essential in an area with no other infrastructures.


Milan, June 2016- Every day, thousands of volunteers and Non-Governmental Organizations reach faraway places in the world lacking essential services to foster development projects aimed to provide hope for those who are outside the globalization phenomenon. In such cases, being able to use technologies able to exceed the lacking of real communication infrastructures becomes fundamental. It is for such reason that the initiative by Milano Teleport favouring COOPI is of significant importance.

The firm has decided to provide COOPI with the possibility to use free Internet connection up to 1,2 megabytes per second (mps) for the activities it carries out in Chad (West Africa). The service will be used to manage activities in the african country and will make possible the use of e-mails , Internet and related communication services (Skype, Voip and others).

The collaboration has been active since May 2016 and will go on until May 2018. Milan Teleport provides internet connection by satellite to roughly 200 remote stations in West Africa, with some ONG among them.

" Our company offers the most advanced satellite technologies, able to provide fast Internet connection even in remote areas of the world"-  said Umberto Gallo, CEO of Milano Teleport. "It is a cause for pride for us, as well as an opportunity for development, to be able to collaborate with organizations that are so engaged in building a future of growth and possibility in those places lacking means of sustenance and where poverty prevails. We believe that technological progress is strictly correlated with the concepts of development and freedom, and for this reason we identify with such initiatives as those led by COOPI".

"In Chad, communication is certainly one of the most delicate topics to face", says Marco Tamburro, COOPI's Head of Mission in the country. "The installation of satellite Internet will ensure the day-to-day exchange of work e-mails between all the projects in the country quickly and consistently, besides improving the quality of communication with the headquarters in Milan and with the other missions led by COOPI".

"We are happy that Milano Teleport has decided to support our activity in Chad", says Ennio Miccoli, director of COOPI. "The service provided by Milano Teleport will ease the work of our expat operators, generating a notable benefit for the activities we are carrying out in the country".