What We Do

Warning systems and social sefety nets for rapid disaster response

Climate change induced flooding remains one of the main types of natural disasters throughout north-western Nigeria. In addition, violent conflict, internal displacement and epidemics are causing an increase in the number of vulnerable groups at risk of disaster.

The key objective of the project, conducted in collaboration with Christian Aid, is to mitigate the effects of these changes by developing state contingency plans. The contingency plans should facilitate a rapid and coordinated emergency response, allowing planners to intervene before a potential disaster occurs. Moreover, these plans clearly identify the key resources to be deployed in order to respond effectively to the emergency.

Since July 2014, COOPI has been responding to various crises in Niger and, through this project active in the states of Sokoto and Kaduna, seeks to improve early warning systems and the social safety net for rapid disaster response.

This project is funded by: