What We Do

Ensuring protection, education, nutrition and sanitation to children affected by Boko Haram

North-eastern Nigeria is facing a massive humanitarian crisis caused by Boko Haram violence. The situation is especially critical in the hosting communities, where social services and infrastructures are insufficient to host a very large number of displaced persons from bordering countries.

Many children don’t have access to caregivers and are exposed firsthand to the risk of physical abuse and exploitation, besides suffering from elevated levels of psychosocial stress due to the separations and violence experienced. They are in need of spaces where to study and play as well as of adequate nutritional assistance, in light of very high child malnutrition rates.

The intervention of COOPI ensures children protection and necessary basic services, such as direct support to unaccompanied minors, recreational activities and psychosocial support carried out in proper spaces. It seeks to activate social protection networks by training qualified community operators. Additionally, it plans for maternal care groups where mothers can learn correct practices related to child hygiene and feeding and integrates frequent screenings to diagnose and treat early cases of acute malnutrition. Project activities also include raising awareness on nutrition and hygiene in communities, schools and child centres with the purpose of teaching good practices as a preventive measure against malnutrition.

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