What We Do

Protection of livestock asset

In Sudan COOPI focuses much of its activity on the protection of livestock asset as livestock farming and pastoralism are the main source of livelihood for rural communities. Over the years such activities have been implemented in projects mainly funded by USAID/OFDA, ECHO and in partnership with FAO, supported and coordinated by the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries.

Between 2008 and 2012 in South Sudan and Darfur COOPI has realized:
- vaccination of more than 4.800.000 heads of livestock against infectious diseases generally occurring in the areas of intervention, such as the bleeding septicemia, pleuropneumonia of ruminants, sheep pox;
- training of more than 200 Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs) to improve their ability of diagnosing diseases and administering treatments. This training is carried out at various levels and touches on various topics in order to recognize the most common diseases and correctly report them;
- start-up of 7 'rural pharmacies' and training of CAHWs to manage them. These are particularly important in remote areas to ensure the availability of veterinary drugs;
- training of vets from public institutions on public health, development of contingency plans for epidemics management and infectious diseases monitoring;
- emergency distribution of more than 180 tons of concentrates for animals in areas affected by drought or floods.

Similar activities have been realized in Kenya and Somalia, as well as measures aimed at ensuring the availability of water sources for livestock through rehabilitation/construction of water points. Part of these interventions were also the activities aimed at ensuring access to grazing areas by adopting mechanisms for mediating conflicts related to the use of such resources.