Where We Work


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For the past six years, Venezuela has been facing a complex humanitarian crisis, marked by a socio-economic decline, instability and migration.

The causes stem from the progressive isolation on the international scene and the economic sanctions that have affected the country. This situation has heightened the effects of the crisis with a consequent increase in unemployment, social inequalities and an inflationary spiral that has undermined the purchasing power of the population. The weakening of the state system has led to the interruption of many basic public services, and according to studies published by the United Nations 1 in 3 people in the country are in a situation of food insecurity. A large portion of the population has inadequate access to water and electricity. In addition, these difficulties are compounded by shortages of fuel, medicines, medical care, protection and education services. Migration to other countries is the most critical point: it is estimated that more than 5 million people left the country, which has caused families to break up due to the absence of a partner or parents and led to the high exposure of women, children and adolescents to the risks of violence, abuse and exploitation.

In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly increased the challenges in a country already weakened by the crisis.

After carrying out prompt interventions in response to natural disasters in Venezuela, COOPI, decided to open a stable presence in 2019 through support to local organisations and in coordination with the humanitarian network. The areas of intervention identified cover access to water and energy, food security and protection, specifically from sexual and gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health and access to income-generating activities.


0 /189

HDI - Human Development Index

Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2020

3% %

Illiteracy rate (% adults aged 15 and older)

Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2016

31.4 %

Rate of malnutrition

Source: Global Nutrition Report 2021

0 %

Rate of population living below poverty line

Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2019



Source: COOPI Annual report 2022


Source: COOPI Annual report 2022


International staff
Source: COOPI Annual report 2022


Local staff
Source: COOPI Annual report 2022